“If you can't explain it to a six year old,
you don't understand it yourself.”
Albert Einstein
"The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see."
Alexandra k. Trenfor

Do You?
Find it difficult to cope up with the speed of your class?
Feel the need to understand the concepts before applying them?
Love learning at your own pace and from comfort of your home?
Hate traveling long hours in traffic filled polluted city?
Prefer personalized attention and personal advice?
Aim for a good rank in IIT JEE Mains and Adv?
Want at least 30% improvement in your current Board marks or JEE rank?
Want to understand difficult concepts in least possible time and effort?
If your answer to any of the above is in yes, then we are the best people to approach.
We are the only IIT JEE Math's specialists in Mumbai.
We DO NOT teach grade 9th,10th or below classes.
Further we do not teach foundation batches for 9th and 10th class.
Reasons can be found here : Should I start preparing for IIT JEE from grade 6th ?
We only teach IIT JEE Mains and advanced for grade 11th and 12th.
We are ranked No.1 IIT JEE Math trainer (Urban Pro) in Mumbai for 10 years straight .
Our Academic Head Prof. Hemant Pandey is the highest paid IIT JEE One to One Math's trainer in Mumbai.
We have 100% success track record in JEE Mains. All students we have taught for JEE have Qualified for JEE Advanced.
All of our full year students have scored more than 95% marks in boards. Most of our students manage to find themselves in Top 3 of their respective class as course progresses. Only prerequisite is that student completes their homework and follow faculties instructions religiously.
We have mastered latest developments in pedagogical teaching methods like
Socratic Question-Answer Method (Elenctic method)
Moore's Method (Learning through discovery)
Outside-in approach (Constructionist method of learning)
Reflective Teaching (Competency based learning)
Spaced Learning (Distributed practice)
Interleaved Teaching (Intermixing of concepts)
Hypercorrection (Error Analysis, corrective feedback and rectification of high confidence error)
Guided learning (Collaborative discussion method)
Cornell university note taking method.

We constantly foray into latest developments of learning and motivation to help our students in the best possible way. We are completely sold into Geoffrey Colvin and his revolutionary book Talent is Overrated.
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” ~ Albert Einstein
Our Academic Head, Prof. Hemant Pandey, have 15 years of teaching experience in prestigious education institutes in the country like FIIT JEE, Career Point, Career launcher, to name a few.

15 Years Teaching Experience
(Career Point Kota, Career Launcher Mumbai etc. )
Highest Paid IIT JEE Professional in Mumbai
(One to One Tutoring)
Published US Book Author
(California Board)
NTSE Maths Scholar
Gold Medalist in Mathematics
Click here for details.
(Ranked No.1 in Mumbai)

We are on all Top 10 results on Google for keyword search! Hemant Pandey Maths

Read what students say about us at
Urban Pro and Learnpick
Watch video interview of Prof. Hemant Pandey here
Prof. Hemant Pandey has been featured in

"The years teach much which the days never know." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Around 15 Lakh students sit for IIT JEE Mains and Adv examination. With around 5000 general seats for IITs, odds of getting selected from start are just 1 in 300!
In NIITs, general seats are around 15,000, Odds of getting into an NIIT are still 1 in 100!
To quantify this, in any school with a strength of 300 in Grade 12, the odds are just 1 student in IIT and at most 3 in NIIT!
Even if we take about 2.5 lakh students currently selected for JEE advanced as serious and prepared students, the odds are still 1 in 60 for IIT and 1 in 20 for NIIT!
The sheer number of aspirants, for a handful seats make IIT JEE most competitive exam in the world!
Let us quantify the numbers more. In IIT JEE Maths (Similar stats for physics and chemistry), we have about 50 broad topics like Complex Numbers, Logarithms, Sequences etc. Within these topics we have an average of about 20 sub topics per main topic like for Complex Numbers we could have, 'Iota and properties', 'Cube root of Complex Numbers', 'De Moiré's theorem', 'Coni Method (Rotation theorem)', 'Nth Roots of unity' and many more.
Hence in a span of two years (600 Days to be precise, deducting board exams, holidays etc.), a student has to muster and master about 1000 different concepts! This converges to about two new concepts of IIT JEE level per day!
You can relate with this : You must have heard stories in your neighborhood or among your relatives about how come a very good students (May be School topper or RMO/NMO qualified student or Homi Bhabha Scholar or KVYP selectee) failed to clear IIT or even NIIT! Now you can relate that IIT JEE is an exam of managing numbers and not exactly talent.
Let us again calculate a different statistics. We have IIT JEE going on since 70 years. Take 3 more similar exams like Roorkee, MNR, MHCET (Roorkee is now merged with IIT JEE and MNR with AIEEE). Hence we can safely assume that per year we have 3 exam papers to be solved and mastered (Just for the different types of questions since questions seldom repeat).
Thus any student has to solve around 200 times 30 questions i.e. just 6000 question which have just appeared in different competitive exams! Which comes to around 10 question per day for XI going students and 20 Questions per day for XII going students.
Add just one similar question for practice and retrieval, total number of questions per day jump to 20 per day for XI student and 40 for XII student!
Most of the very good students we know are unable to complete the total course required to sit in JEE. IIT JEE is TOUGH, no doubt about that, but not exactly due to the complexity of problems but due to the sheer number of concepts required to master and reproduce in three hour exam. There is no secret to crack engineering entrance except for the fact of smart learning, knowing all possible kinds of problems and their applications. Smart learning and strategic planning out pars intelligence and talent by miles in JEE.
I tell my students that you must always think about topping any exam.
They say impossible and I say it doesn’t cost a dime to think big!!
You are even afraid of thinking let alone doing!!
And yes I've seen countless students becoming top three from bottom three. They are so many that I have lost count.
Conditioning of mind is everything. There is no holy grail of success or secret gospel. It's only consistent hard work and belief in yourself.
Hence IIT JEE is NOT a Talent Search Exam but a Strategy Test Exam. The one having the best plan gets successful.
Just like a sports instructor or gym trainer helps you achieve your goals 3X faster, a personal JEE Trainer does the same for you. The key word is 'Time'. Time is the real currency of future.
Private Tuition saves hell lot of study time of any student. An good and experienced teacher can make a student learn any concept in 10X less time. Student doesn't have to scan 100s of books and study material already available in the market. You get years of expertise of a trainer just ready made for you. This can be the biggest differentiator as well as 'miles ahead leap' for a student with personal trainer compared to a student without any trainer.
Personal (Home Tuition) saves at least 3 hours of traveling time for student. Be it a coaching center nearby your house, preparing, commuting in evening rush hours will take at least 3 hours of travel to and fro. Not to forget the tiredness and mental traffic in commute. If any student takes three days of home tuition (PCM, one day each subject), in that case he could get whopping 450 hours per year extra for studies and practice ( 50 weeks multiplied by 9). This is a huge advantage compared to any other coaching going student.
Experience teachers can cherry pick important problems for the students and hence again saving a lot of time of students who other wise tend to solve all kinds of similar problems.
Larger part of any training program (Be it be Army or Gym or Sports or Studies) is continuous motivation, encouragement and curative regular feedback. Any student is most likely to follow advise of an experienced trainer than even his or her parents. Good teachers teach but great teachers inspire.
A good tutor puts wandering mind of students at rest and they have a constant assurance that help is just a call away, in case they need it any time (Like anytime doubt removal).
You put maximum effort and care when you plant a seed. XIIth Boards and consequently Entrance exams are one time event. You never get a second chance to give an entrance or Boards.
Even a single mark increase can be a game changer. Consider the following statistics for 2018 (Stats are similar for other years).
AIR 1 Scored 337 (94%)
AIR 10 Scored 310 (86%)
AIR 100 Scored 272 (76%)
AIR 500 Scored 231 (64%)
AIR 1000 Scored 213 (59%)
Further assume that cutoff for IIT JEE advance is 126 or roughly 120 i.e. 30%.
Hence for about 220-330 bracket i.e. 110 marks we have top 1000 ranks i.e. 10 ranks per mark.
Given everything being same (i.e. in the event of a tie breaker), just increase of one marks (specially in maths) improves your rank by 20 points! (Since tie breaker is decided by marks obtained in maths).
One mark (20 rank points) can change your preferred college or your preferred branch. You may end up being a Chemical Engineer from an NIIT Suratkal, while your aim was being a Computer engineer from IIT Bombay!
Now consider the broader picture. For about 200 marks, we have 5000 ranks (General Category). Hence for every mark we have 25 ranks.
Good Private tutoring has consistently shown to improve performance by minimum 30%. You may end up in Top 1000 in IIT from a seat in NIIT!
For example : You might be getting 150 marks (assumed rank of 7500) without private coaching and may end in NIIT. While you may end up in an IIT by improving your performance by 30% and get 225 marks (Assumed rank of 1000) with private coaching and getting rank in top 1000!
Every mark counts, even a jump in 500 rank points can do miracles in long term.
Remember 20 years down the line, this one decision of yours can make a difference of millions in your net worth.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
30% is the minimum bench mark. We have observed up to 70% improvement for sincere students.
Note : Student sincerity is a prerequisite. We offer magic but only when mentee is ready to work really hard.
Multiple Studies has clearly demonstrated in many studies about effectiveness of personalized teaching.
Do you know that more than 40% of students take private tuition now to enhance performance.
For 61 percent of parents, tutoring was "very helpful" in achieving their objectives, with 27 percent saying "somewhat helpful."
From the article
Geniuses of the past were aristocratically tutored
Tutoring, one-on-one instruction, dramatically improves student’s abilities and scores. In education research this effect is sometimes called “Bloom’s 2-sigma problem
” because in the 1980s the researcher Benjamin Bloom found that tutored students
. . performed two standard deviations better than students who learn via conventional instructional methods—that is, "the average tutored student was above 98% of the students in the control class.”
Important Note
We select students based on performance in Assessment Class. Assessment class does not guarantee slot or coaching.
We select only 3 students per year (One student per day). Rest of the time is devoted to research and development for latest pedagogical learning methods.
You may form a group of two students for same day same batch class.
Most valued quality of any student is ability to work hard as well as willingness to learn.
Academy reserves the right to cancel enrolment if student is NOT sincere after wards.
Our Students

JEE Mains, Vidyalankar, XII

IITian's Pace, Dadar, Excel batch

Xth, Ryan International, Nerul

XII, Pace Nerul

XII, DAV Airoli

JEE Mains,IITian's Pace , Andheri

XII, Vadala

XII, NHP, Airoli

XII, Podar International
Insider Secret Of Coaching Industry
Having worked in the field of IIT JEE training for last 15 years, we realized the 'real game' of these so called prestigious coaching institutes. Have a look at the insider information.
The modus operandi is as follows. (Which we can also follow if our morals allow).
Advertisement Gimmick : Every 'big' institute advertises their last year results on big hoardings with many results (many results are genuine but quite a few top ones are 'purchased')
High Ranks but very low selection percentage : The innocent parent sees their child's future on that board, failing to realize that the selection percentage is just 3-6 %.
Typically on any big coaching institute, out of 80 in a batch on average (not those 'excel batches' but averaged on whole), selection of students is around 4-6, per batch!
On admission, students who are otherwise brilliant and score more than 95% and also score very well in admission tests, are given hefty discounts of about 90-100%! These students might get selected on their own or with any normal coaching .
Other students who pay full fees are the real 'customers' but the real benefits is passed on to those cream students paying nearly zero fees!
Ordeal doesn't end here. The weak students or students who really paid get no special treatment and often are treated as second class citizens. Batches are segregated in first two months (when all the installments are realized) and those paying students are left to the mercy of their own!
Having worked in these institutes, managers can be heard saying directly to faculties to focus of 'those cream students' and give them special attention since these students are their ticket to next year game plan! This is where private tuition comes to rescue.
Read real life student account (Answered on Quora) about star batches and their truth here.
Watch highly acclaimed web series Kota Factory on you tube for detailed description.
This another documentary sums it all about extreme pressure on JEE aspirants.
To ensure high Quality and commitment we only select only 4 students per year.
Read another real life student (Answered on Quora) account here

Aditi Goyal,JEE Mains,
APeeJay (Kharghar)
"Great teaching. Helped a lot in developing understanding of concepts."

Ujala Jha, JEE Mains (Thane)
Extremely student friendly...
"He is an excellent tutor.
He taught me Math for 1 year and explains every problem with precision. He is extremely student friendly and comes up with innovative formulas to help us solve problems."

Saurjit Mukherjee, JEE Mains, Pace (Nerul)
Increased confidence...
"Hemant sir a good teacher. He increased my confidence level and helped me complete my syllabus. I would like to recommend him my batch mates as well."

Amit Deka, XII,
KV Panvel
Very good tutor...
"Hemant sir is a very good tutor. He taught my son Mathematics for 2 years. He uses very good technique to tutor his students. my son scored 85 in Math in 12th board exam."

Mayesh Mulay, JEE Adv.
Pace Nerul
Unique way of teaching...
"Hemant sir is the best teacher of maths. He brings the best out of me by his unique way of teaching . He motivates me and gives proper guidance and never lets me feel down. He gives cool tricks to solve a problem in less time and clears all my doubts and even makes the most complicated problems, easy to solve. He is always punctual. "

Aaakash Katiyaar, JEE Mains,
KV Bhandoop
Understood everything nicely...
"I understood everything very nicely, He prepared me for IIT-JEE Mains and Advanced. He is a very good tutor."

Sanika Biwalkar, JEE MAINS,
KV Borivali
Focusses and dedicated...
"Hemant sir is a very focused and dedicated guy.Teaches every student with a lot of passion.
He believes in studying smartly so he always focusses on teaching with more than one method. It was very helpful for me."

Vikhyat Shetty, JEE Adv.
Pace Dadar
Very knowledgeable...
"I am taking classes from Sir. He teaches very well. He is very knowledgeable."

Indu Ilanchezian, JEE Adv,
Pace Andheri
Excellent Teacher...
"Hemant Sir is an Excellent Teacher who clearly understand students and teach according to their standard and understanding of the subject. With his deep knowledge in the subject he relate one 'Problem' to the other, and make all 'Problems' easier."
Socratic method (Method of hypothesis elimination): We believe in conversational teaching methods based on open ended question and answer technique purported by legendary Greek (Athenian) philosopher, scholar and teacher, Socrates. Socrates method encourages students to solve problems using their own skills of critical analysis and creativity.
Quote from the Socrates method
"The pedagogy of Socratic questions is open-ended, focusing on broad, general ideas rather than specific, factual information. The questioning technique emphasizes a level of questioning and thinking where there is no single right answer."
Moore's Method (Deductive method of “learning through discovery” for mathematical concepts) : The basic methodology is learning by doing which is aptly summarized by the following Quotes .
"I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand." Chinese proverb
"That student is taught the best who is told the least." Moore, quote in Parker (2005: vii).
Reflective Teaching : Our teaching approach follows reflective teaching model. We are in constant endeavor to improve our selves and adjust in accordance to the need of students. We have a road map to guide students to reach their full potential.
Inter Leaved Teaching :This has been confirmed by research that "Inter mixed "learning of concepts is the best way to learn difficult concepts. Student must learn few concepts in smaller proportion and mix up the learning process.
Quoting the research we have
"On a test one day later, the students who'd been using the interleaving method did 25 percent better. But when tested a
month later, the interleaving method [users] did 76 percent better"
The secret to better learning that most people don't know.
It is well researched that our mind learn in chunks. We start by focus mode and later switch to diffused mode to absorb information. Further we need to practice 'key problems' and form patterns based on them to get better learning. All this research perfectly maps in interleaved learning and spaced learning.
Research based Personalized Class Notes : There is no dearth of study material for IIT JEE in the market. The main problem is studying selectively.
We have researched about every possible book in the market plus every possible study material available to pick the gems for our students.
This can be a major determining factor since no student can research every possible book in the market in such short span of time on his own.
To scan every book and study material in market requires almost 10 years of hard work and expertise. Further we continuously search for upgraded better learning methods and study material in addition to developing our own skills.
Our teaching methods / notes are well researched and personalized for each student.
Trained eye of a faculty plus countless hours of hard work puts any student of ours miles ahead of all those in the competition. A good teacher demonstrates, great teachers inspire. That is our core philosophy.
We are not only IIT JEE trainers but life coach. Student learns a great deal about time management, life skills, street smartness and countless other topics along with their subject.
Even in a 3 hour class student can never get bored as our learned faculties glide students through various topics and enhances not only his core subject knowledge but total personality.
"The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires."
William Arthur Ward
Our teaching of 2 hours demand research of 10 hours. This always gives students edge over others. Their time to research and understand the subject is lessened by miles.
Research Supports Our Teaching Approach
After hearing the same set of facts, every student creates his /her own meaning and a unique set of memories, based on his/her own beliefs and experiences.
Research also shows that passive teacher centric instruction does little to develop problem solving skills. In a recent poll of 1,000 students, the self-reported average amount of concentration during lectures was a mere 10 minutes!
Socrates method of learning (rediscovered as "enquiry" or "discovery" method is core of our teaching and is now again re verified by independent research. There is no such thing as a bad maths student.
"Mighton has identified two major problems in how we teach math. First, we overload kids’ brains, moving too quickly from the concrete to the abstract. That puts too much stress on working memory. Second, we divide classes by ability, or “stream”, creating hierarchies which disable the weakest learners while not benefitting the top ones."
We have been using the same method of "Socrates Question answer " technique since 2012.
Excerpt from same article again (Read full article here)
"Solomon said this approach—also called problem-based learning—means the teachers’ role is not to provide direct instruction, but to let kids collaborate to find solutions to complex, realistic problems which have multiple approaches and answers."
As they say "Nothing new under the Sun". We all are just refining and rediscovering already know techniques and knowledge from past masters.
Latest update : Our 2 year program student Amal Manoj (Online Mode) from Bangalore secured 99.57 percentile in JEE Mains 2025, Jan session. This ensures him CS from tier 1 college in NIIT. See result
In 12 years of our operation, we have taught about 50 students on personal tuition one-to-one mode.
We select only 3 students per year.
Everybody scored more than 95% marks in their respective subjects.
Aditi Goyal : Our Kharghar batch student Aditi Goyal scored 99/100 in math in her XII final exam, topping the whole school.
She is currently studying at ICT (UDCT), Matunga (Chemical Engineering).
Indu Illanchezian : Our online batch student Indu Illanchezian has successfully cleared IIT JEE Mains 2014 with 203 marks in total. She is currently pursuing CS at IIS Bangalore.
Sourajit Mukherjee : Our student Sourajit Mukherjee,enrolled for our two-month crash course last year secured IIT JEE rank 20140 and MHCET rank 1800 in general category. He scored 88/100 (Math) in XII th boards.
Sahil Sheikh : Our student Sahil Sheikh secured 506 rank in math's Olympiad in whole Asia and 36th rank in State. He also secured 126th rank in state NTSE.
We have 100% record in JEE Mains (Qualifying for JEE Advanced).
Apoorva (Pace Nerul) : Another short-term student of ours scored 175 marks in JEE Mains.
Chirag Kukyan (Pace Chembur) : Scored 145 marks in JEE Mains.
Anthony Francis (DPS Nerul) : Scored 95 marks in XII boards, 266 in BITS Pilani, 155/200 in MHCET (Maths : 80 ).
Countless more similar results which we omitted.
Our records establish a trend of a minimum of 30% improvement in students' performance.
View more on results section.
Feel Your Dream

Prof. Hemant Pandey (Academic Head)

Ex HOD Maths
Career launcher (CL) (Mumbai)
Ex IIT JEE Faculty
Career Point (CP) (Rajasthan)
Meccademia (Dubai)
T.I.M.E. (Lucknow)
NH ELITE IIT Study Circle (New Delhi)
Published USA book Author : High School Calculus. (Approved text book for California board, Grade XII USA).
Ex Head SME (Project for IIT JEE Question Bank) Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
NTSE Maths Scholar
Gold Medalist in Maths
Read Prof. Pandey's full story here
Other Achievements
Written book for Oswal publications, Grade XII , Maharashtra board (Last 10 year Question paper solutions).
Nominated for ISC 'Jewel of India Award' for educational excellence.
Written text book for grade XII, ICSE board as a ghost writer for gems publication.
Most viewed author of Quora in many categories with 4.1 million views, 4100 followers.
My Credentials

Nominated for Jewel of India Award

One Step Method (OSM) (Proprietary)

Notes Download

Learnign resources and trivia
Some links for better learning
IIT JEE Special Stats (Average for last 10 years)

More precise detailed data is as follows

IIT JEE Real Facts
The IIT JEE Advanced 2018 statistics show a worrisome trend among students. The students tend to skip mathematics questions in the maximum ratio compared to the other subjects in this year’s JEE Advanced. The answer booklets of Joint Entrance Examination Advanced gave these important statistics on student’s nature to attempt the questions. The maximum questions that remained unanswered were from mathematics subject.
The highest score in JEE Advanced 2018 was 337 out of 360. Which comes out to be 94 % and saw a downfall from last year’s highest being around 96%. The lowest score this year in JEE Advanced 2018 was Minus 35 (-35).
The authorities feel that since mathematics involves quantitative as well as qualitative skills with working on manipulating numbers and ability to reason using the numbers, there is a need to give priority to mathematics in the testing process and in JEE Advanced. JEE Advanced 2018 has 2 papers comprising of physics, chemistry and mathematics.
The IIT JEE Advanced 2018 Report said considering this fact of the importance of mathematics, the sequence of examination should be changed to mathematics followed by physics and chemistry. Currently it is physics, chemistry and mathematics in priority order. This is proposed because students tend to attempt physics or chemistry first generally which reduces the importance of mathematics.
Only 23 students got 300+ in JEE Advanced 2018 out of 360.
Also, in IIT JEE 2017, fresher’s percentage was around 80 which reduced to 69 in JEE Advanced 2018.

10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we see and hear
70% of what we discuss with others
80% of what we personally experience
95% or what we teach others
- Edgar Dale
While ranking candidates for IIT JEE 2023 merit list, following method will be used to break a tie between two or more students:
Candidate with higher marks in Mathematics will be given higher rank.
If the tie is still not broken, candidate with higher marks in Physics will be given higher rank.
If the tie is still not broken, candidate with higher marks in Chemistry will be given higher rank.
If candidates have same marks in all the three subjects, they will be given same rank.
Solve problems involving logic or puzzles.Try Sudoku for a start.Also you can try chess if you have patience.
Write a page a day.It can be about any ting you know or think.It will definitely improve cognitive function in 21 days.
Research on American navy has shown that IQ can be increased by 30% in an span of three years, by giving better challenges to the brain.
Physical exercise is proven to be very good for memory and brain functions.
Take a lot of IQ tests, preferable once every week to see the improvement.
Have a growth mind set i.e. intelligence is malleable.This positive attitude has clinically shown to increase intelligence.
Focus on emotional intelligence instead,which has shown to have a greater impact on one's financial success.

18 Inspiring Quotes about learning
"Good Teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers"
Joseph Albers
“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
Margaret Mead
“If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe.”
Abraham Lincoln
"It is not what is poured into a student that counts, but what is planted."
We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.
Henry Ward Beecher
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
Albert Einstein
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Albert Einstein
If you are truly serious abut preparing your child for the future, don't teach him to subtract teach him to deduct.
Fran Leibowitz
“You can never be overdressed or over-educated.”
Oscar Wilde
“If plan “A” fails -- remember you have 25 letters left.”
Chris Guillebeau
“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”
Albert Einstein
“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”
Robert Orben
“Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach"
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”
Albert Einstein
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
Benjamin Franklin
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
“You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.”
“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready... The teacher will disappear.”
Lao Tzu
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think"
What results you can expect?
Minimum 30% increase in marks (rank) IQ, SQ and EQ (Intelligence, Social and Emotional Quotient, in that order).
Better Analytical and life skills
IIT JEE training is an intensive learning program. With two years of proper training, practicing and solving very tough problems, gives you an uncanny edge in life.
Life is all about solving problems, applying logic, devising different solutions to same problems, thinking critically, thinking out of the box and so is JEE.
You can expect a much sharper and clear headed child after the program.
We recommend the program to everyone even if you DO NOT want to be an engineer
We are so sure about our program and efficacy of results (with respect to improving IQ, analytical skills and overall personality development) that we can advise every good student to take on IIT JEE training even if they do not intend to join IITs.
The problems of JEE are so intricately designed and meticulously constructed, that they make any student a very good analytical thinker. The analytical and high order thinking skills imbibed at this early stage in anyone's life has compounding benefits all their life.
This is NOT just about clearing an exam but developing a strong mental faculty. Just like playing chess has other over the top benefits like developing patience and long term concentration along with careful strategic analytical skills, even though every chess player DO NOT want to compete in a chess tournament.
On similar grounds, mathematics is the bicycle of mind. The skills developed at this tender stage shall stay with you all your life irrespective of the fact whether you want to become an IITian or not.
Mathematics and analytical thinking are a skill and the best time to polish the skills for life is in late teens. After that you will never get the chance nor time nor energy to pursue such an high intensive world class mental faculty development program.
Complete personality transformation (Human skills engineering).
We focus on all round development of personality and not just marks.
We teach motivation, communication skills, life skills, self confidence etc.
All this is complementary and is included in the course.
These skills are indulged in the student to facilitate intermixed learning and make dry subject like maths more interesting.
Research has conclusively proven "85 percent of your financial success is due to skills in “human engineering”.
To Quote the research
"Research carried out by the Carnegie Institute of Technology shows that 85 percent of your financial success is due to skills in “human engineering,” your personality and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead. Shockingly, only 15 percent is due to technical knowledge. Additionally, Nobel Prize winning Israeli-American psychologist, Daniel Kahneman, found that people would rather do business with a person they like and trust rather than someone they don’t, even if the likeable person is offering a lower quality product or service at a higher price."
5. Visit Professor Hemant Pandey's Quora Profile (4.3 Million Views, 4300 followers) to know more about life skills.
6. Disciplined and motivated child. We believe that teenage years are for inculcating lifelong good habits. It takes
about 21 days to form a habit, 90 days for that habit to become your second nature. In one year of training you can
feel the visible difference in the persona and overall personality of the student. We DON'T believe in changing marks
but in changing lives.
7. We focus solely on concept based learning. We DETER formula based learning. The way Mathematics is taught at schools (and in many coaching) is the main culprit for lack of interest of students in the subject. Hence we select only full year students and offer no magic potion or quick fix solutions.
Minimum course duration offered by us is One Year. If you are expecting to 'try us' for a month and check the efficacy of the program or expect us to solve your all problems related to learning in two months, then we are not the best people to approach.
Real Transformation takes time. Sometimes it takes up to 3 months just to analyze the underlying problem for the student. It may be academic, may be psychological, may be lag of past years etc.To transform study habits of a student along with his core mind blocking beliefs NEEDS time and efforts (Both on Mentor's as well as students part).We promise good results, total transformation, but need at least One Year of full commitment.
All those points mentioned above have one common theme. The student must perform to the best of his/her abilities.
Our research and experience of six years (In personal Training domain) has repeatedly shown that once a week module works best for students because
Student has to learn three subjects. Hence two days per subject on average. Once a week suits the best for effective learning of the student.
In analytical subjects like mathematics, one needs to delve on concepts, ponder on problems for sufficient time. One week is both necessary and sufficient time for adequate spaced learning. You DON'T learn in class but when you get your doubts cleared. To create proper understanding and persistent doubts, one week is the minimum duration.
This course is an transformational and NOT transactional relationship. There is no hourly mode since education is not a commodity and cannot be quantified in hours. As all roads lead to Rome, all efforts lead to one common goal, the best performance of the student. Click the link for Recommended books.
Note : We only teach IIT JEE Mains and Advanced for grade 11th and 12th.
"A good teacher will leave you educated. But a great teacher will leave you curious."
Mike Rowe