Why personal Tutoring?

Private Tuition saves hell lot of time of any student. A good and experienced teacher can make a student learn any concept in 10X less time. Student doesn't have to scan 100s of books and study material already available in the market. You get years of expertise of a trainer just ready made for you. This can be the biggest differentiator as well as 'miles ahead leap' for a student with personal trainer compared to a student without any trainer.
Personal (Home Tuition) saves at least 3 hours of traveling time for student. Be it a coaching center nearby your house, preparing, commuting in evening rush hours will take at least 3 hours of travel time (to and fro). Not to forget the tiredness and mental traffic in commute. If any student takes three days of home tuition (PCM, one day each subject), in that case he could get whopping 450 hours per year extra for studies and practice ( 50 weeks multiplied by 9). This is a huge advantage compared to any other coaching going student.
Experience teachers can cherry pick important problems for the students and hence again saving a lot of time of students who otherwise tend to solve all kinds of similar problems.
Larger part of any training program (Be it be Army or Gym or Sports or Studies) is continuous motivation, encouragement and curative regular feedback. Any student is most likely to follow advice of an experienced trainer than even his or her parents. Good teachers teach but great teachers inspire.
A good tutor puts wandering mind of students at rest and they have a constant assurance that help is just a call away, in case they need it any time (Like anytime doubt removal).
You put maximum effort and care when you plant a seed. XIIth Boards and consequently Entrance exams are one time event. You never get a second chance to give an entrance or Boards.
Even a single mark increase can be a game changer. Consider the following statistics for 2014 (Stats are similar for other years).
AIR 1 Scored 332 (92%)
AIR 10 Scored 308 (85%)
AIR 100 Scored 275 (75%)
AIR 500 Scored 240 (67%)
AIR 1000 Scored 221 (62%)
Further assume that cutoff for IIT JEE advance is 126 or roughly 120 i.e. 30%.
Hence for about 220-330 bracket i.e. 110 marks we have top 1000 ranks i.e. 10 ranks per mark.
Given everything being same (i.e. in the event of a tie breaker), just increase of one marks (especially in maths) improves your rank by 20 points! (Since tie breaker is decided by marks obtained in maths).
One mark (20 rank points) can change your preferred college or your preferred branch. You may end up being a Chemical Engineer from an NIIT Suratkal, while your aim was being a Computer engineer from IIT Bombay!
Now consider the broader picture. For about 200 marks, we have 5000 ranks (General Category). Hence for every mark we have 25 ranks.
Good Private tutoring has consistently shown to improve performance by minimum 30%. You may end up in Top 1000 in IIT from a seat in NIIT!
For example : You might be getting 150 marks (assumed rank of 7500) without private coaching and may end in NIIT. While you may end up in an IIT by improving your performance by 30% and get 225 marks (Assumed rank of 1000) with private coaching and getting rank in top 1000!
Every mark counts, even a jump in 500 rank points can do miracles in long term.
Remember 20 years down the line, this one decision of yours can make a difference of millions in your net worth.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
30% is the minimum benchmark. We have observed up to 70% improvement for sincere students.
Note : Student sincerity is a prerequisite. We offer magic but only when mentee is ready to work really hard.
Multiple Studies has clearly demonstrated in many studies about effectiveness of personalized teaching.
Do you know that more than 40% of students take private tuition now to enhance performance.
For 61 percent of parents, tutoring was "very helpful" in achieving their objectives, with 27 percent saying "somewhat helpful."
Important Note
We select students based on performance in Assessment Class. Assessment class does not guarantee slot or coaching.
We select only 3 students per year (One student per day). Rest of the time is devoted to research and development for latest pedagogical learning methods.
Most valued quality of any student is ability to work hard as well as willingness to learn.
Academy reserves the right to cancel enrolment if student is NOT sincere after wards.