
Hemant Pandey
Jun 27, 20213 min read
Why IIT JEE is really tough?
IIT JEE is touted as toughest entrance exam in world. But why? Is IIT JEE really tough or is it tricky or is the course too wide and...
Hemant Pandey
Jun 1, 20181 min read
Fresh fruits contain 80% water, and dry fruits contain 15% water. How much dry fruits can be obtaine
Fresh fruit = Real Dry fruit (No water) + Water Dry Fruit = Real Dry Fruit + Water Hence 1 KG of Fresh Fruit = 200 grams of real dry...
Hemant Pandey
Jan 10, 20182 min read
What is your best way to kill the laziness?
I have my own practical solutions. Being a LAZY SLOTH my self, these solutions work pretty well. Get physical : Laziness is both state of...
Hemant Pandey
Aug 3, 20171 min read
What are some of the ways to enhance your common sense?
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